Post by owner57 on Jun 27, 2019 16:19:44 GMT
I have a Wurlitzer model 1800 that I am trying to get working. The manual that I have says that the main cam needs to be in it's rest position to set the record lift arms to their retracted position. Can anyone explain to me what the rest position of the main cam is, and how to get it to that position. Thanks for any help.
Post by Ron Rich on Jun 27, 2019 16:34:51 GMT
What I would ASSume, is they want that cam in the position, that allows the motor to spin the record basket ? Why do you "need" to adjust, the arms--did you just acquire this phono, or did something just happen that caused you to think they "need adjusting" ?? Ron Rich
Post by owner57 on Jun 27, 2019 17:55:36 GMT
I had to tear the unit apart since everthing was frozen up. Freed everthing up and got it mostly back together when I'm running into the main cam at rest issue.
Post by owner57 on Jul 16, 2019 19:32:27 GMT
Does anyone know how to properly inatall the pawl assembly to the main cam and the main gear and ratchet gear?