Post by Ron Rich on May 29, 2021 11:53:14 GMT
Hi All, Trouble shooting anything, is a royal pain-- that being said, some phono manufactures attempted to write "Trouble Shooting Guides". What readers of these guides NEED to consider, is that they were written (for the most part) when an item was new-- and that the writers needed to ASSUME, that the fault(s) encountered were the result of an internal failure-- NOT the result of a human failure (say like a plug not plugged into the correct socket plus many other things I have heard ?).
"Rebuilding" any unit, is more then just replacing the capacitors ! Many times just replacing caps is going to solve the problems, other's not. I suggest a "re-build", where each component is checked for tolerance-- and heat checked if a resistor- (use a "heat gun/freeze spray", while checking it with a good meter). Ron Rich