Post by Craig on Dec 20, 2016 19:16:53 GMT
>>> EDIT<< < As of 4/20, it is no longer possible to add images to this forum. --link to your photo(s), hosted elsewhere<<<<<
--EZ, "Work-around": Copy the photo from somewhere, and paste, it into your post, here. (RR)
In order to post an image on an internet forum or message board, your image should be "hosted" on an internet web site, and assigned a "URL" or web address starting with "HTTP" and ending with the image's "file extension," such as "JPG," "GIF," BMP," etc. There are a number of sites that offer free image hosting. I use Imageshack --
Follow the instructions on the hosting site's screen. (USE the "BROWSE" button on the site to locate your image on your computer, and go from there.)
After your image is hosted, you will see a screen with a number of options. Toward the bottom of the list, you will see your image's new URL -- again, starting with HTTP and ending with JPG, or whatever. Highlight this, and copy and paste it into your browser's "address bar" and press the Enter Key on your keyboard to see the image itself in it's own screen. It's a good idea to "bookmark" this page, or ad it to your "Favorites," depending on the browser software you use -- Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, etc.
Now that you've done this, all you have to do is compose your message on this board, and when you come to the place where you want the image to appear, click once on the IMG button. A set of brackets will appear on the screen -- . Paste your image's new URL right after that--with no spaces in between the bracket and the URL--and then click the IMG button again. You will see something like this --
Finish composing your message, and click on the PREVIEW button below to verify that your image displays correctly.
Since you are a member of Phonoland, you also have the option of hosting your image right on this site, bypassing the use of other hosting sites such as ImageShack, Photobucket, etc.
The first thing to do is to save the image on your own PC. The best format to use is JPG. Please make note of the folder in which your image is saved--you will need to know that. A common location for storing images is in the "My Documents" or "Documents" folder--for MS Windows users.
The next thing is to type your message as you normally would. Then, when you are ready to insert your image, look directly below the box where you are typing. You should see a small tab that says "Upload Attachment." Click on that tab, and then click on the Browse button. A new (pop-up type) screen will appear that will list your main files and folders.
Look for the folder where you have stored your image and click on that, then click on the image, itself, to highlight it.
Once the image is highlighted, click on the Open button. The screen showing your folders will then disappear, and the "location" of the image you selected will appear in the small text box next to the Browse button.
Click on the "Add the file" button to download your image to this site. This may take a few seconds, depending on the size of the photo or image file.
The final step is to click on the "Place inline" button. (The image's new URL will appear in the brackets -- new image [/attachment] ) When you click on the "Preview" or "Submit" button, the image should appear in your post.