Post by vipertblck on Jan 20, 2019 15:38:10 GMT
box scans and plays all selections A1-K..ish. Seems to be even numbered K selections towards the end, 6, 7, and 8. All other selections play ok, as well as the even number K. Sometimes it'll pickup and play. Problem seems to really only be with K6, K8, and K10. It gets there, and stops to pick up the selection, but doesn't come up, motor is turning and you hear a faint "clicking" with relation to RPM it seems. sometimes it'll work itself out and pull up the record, other times it wont and if you just slightly move the mechanism to the right, or jiggle it gently; it picks up. I've gone through my book before posting here and done all the adjustments I thought would apply to this (trouble shooting chart-mechanism-#11). all steps of the contact block guide rails lubed, selections indicator lamp cleaning, adjusting guide rollers, re lubricating the mechanism, checking clutch 1 adjustment (which was ok).
any clue?
thanks kevin
Post by Ron Rich on Jan 20, 2019 16:11:22 GMT
Hi Kevin, I find that this is usually the symptom caused by improper mech. cable dressing. It binds on the right as it's too short. The cable on that model should have three "plastic cable clamps" installed ABOVE the "donut hole". Two on the metal frame it rides up on, on the mech, and one to the cabinet (look for the hole, if this one is not in use). Ron Rich
Post by vipertblck on Jan 20, 2019 20:40:30 GMT
yes; there are clamps installed above the donut, inside the "dressed up" part of the cabinet. there's 2 on the mechanism itself as you said, but I do not, nor have my other B/BL box's had the 3rd one you speak of that mounts directly to the foil/cabinet. after the 2 on the mechanism, the cable is free and clear until it reaches the donut gasket. visually, all the way to the right hand side, the mechanism cable doesn't appear to have any bind, and still seems to have slack in it. by the looks of it, if it had an additional 3rd cable clamp installed onto the foil/cabinet, it would deffinetly not be long enough to completes it's travel full left and full right. I also did not find any holes in the cabinet to accommodate this 3rd clamp. are there any other checks I could do to figure this out? I've attempted to "help" the cable over when it goes to full left(to try and take out any tension if there was any) and it didn't seem to make any difference. sometimes it picks them up fine over and over, sometimes it presents the issue
Post by Ron Rich on Jan 20, 2019 21:00:39 GMT
Kevin, The clamp on the cabinet is about 5 inches to the right, of the "hole" the cable goes thru--and about 4-5 inches from the top of the sound board-- You may be able to feel that screw hole by rubbing your hand over the cloth ? Look at the cabinet parts page--see item 41 (diffuser glass) ? The arrow pointing it out is about where that clamp goes (behind the glass, of course !). You need to pull the mech cable up enough so that supporting clamp holds the cable up, to where it won't bind, as the mech travels to the right. Check your "carriage guide roller(s) and spring adjustments" ! Watch the mech as it travels down that end--is it "twisting" --if so, and it is not being caused by the cable, you will need to find out why, and correct it. Ron Rich